Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it?

Well by the post of some of the memebers here TPS, I think some of us can use it.


1) Toxinout Heavy Metal / Toxin Removal and Liver Detox Support assists the body in the removal of heavy metals, including lead and mercury, as well as many other toxins while detoxifying the blood, the liver, kidneys and other organs.
2) DetoxiGreen Daily Detox & Antioxidant Support with Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Amino Acids and Green Phytofoods supports the natural detoxification processes of the body as it replenishes the nutrients used up by this process, and recharges the immune system through powerful antioxidant support.
3) Flora Protect Daily Probiotic Supplement protects the intestinal flora by replenishing the most important strains of friendly bacteria in the intestines. A healthy colon flora provides the foundation for a strong immune system, good health and longevity. Probiotics are the living beneficial bacteria that protect our gastrointestinal tract.

The Colonix Intestinal Cleanser is a fiber supplement that cleanses the colon of accumulated toxic build-up and prevents the formation of new build-up through the use of herbal dietary fiber. Continued use of the Colonix Intestinal Cleanser keeps the digestive tract from getting clogged up with mucus, toxins and metabolic waste. It helps to keep the colon clean and waste matter moving freely and efficiently. Fiber also helps maintain a healthy intestinal flora and absorbs toxins in the colon by creating a spongy, gelatinous mass in the bowels. By swelling and absorbing fluids, it breaks down and moves toxic waste matter stuck in the folds and crevices of the colon. A clean colon inhibits harmful bacteria and parasites from surviving on human waste.

Paranil Anti-Parasite Support helps to eliminate harmful parasites, including intestinal worms and their eggs from the colon and other parts of the body. Specific combination of herbs have been successfully used for thousands of years to kill and expel parasites. Paranil is an effective combination of 18 high-quality herbs that have traditionally been used to expel parasites as well as to clear eggs and hatching larvae from the body. It is powerful yet safe and well tolerated by adults. (For children we recommend Paranil Jr. as a special children’s formula).
KleriTea for Regularity and Detoxification helps to restore normal bowel function and promote regularity. KleriTea has a laxative effect on the bowels while assisting in the detoxification process. It has a soothing effect on the nervous system, making it an ideal beverage before bed. It contains no caffeine.