Halo: Reach (MERGED)

So, after a month or so off from playing reach, I played some last night. I was struck by a few things. The controls and hit detection really are top notch and the game is a lot of fun. But, I played a few rounds with an armo(u)r locker and it nearly ruins the game. If for not other reason, I became focused on killing him to the exclusion of anything else. Which leads me to ask, why Bugee? Why?

On the positive side, I did manage to get behind the armo(u)r locker and assassinate him and he quit the game right after that. So, that was satisfying.

I agree I was in a game and everytime the guy went into armor lock, one of his teammates were able to show up and save his sorry butt before I could finish him. My take is to back off for a bit, and try to time a grenade that way you can still be prepared for another encounter, you might have to duck out if somebody else comes.

I also donwloaded the Map Pack it seems pretty cool so far. I'll have to play some more to get a good take...we played Territories, and team Snipers and the space setting one, and CTF on the beach one. Forgot the map names lol... still haven't played on the 3rd one.