Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it?

Simply not true.
DID YOU KNOW: Research studies like that cost MILLIONS OF DOLLARS and "BIG PHARMA" will not test anything classified as a food because they cannot get a patent on it and make Billions. There is simply no money in it. "BIG PHARMA" are publicly traded companies with stockholders. They can't make money pushing natural cures and no patent. If a cure did exist for cancer, billions of dollars would be lost and the entire health care industry would be brought to it's knees. "BIG PHARMA" will do everything to protect their stockholders with payoffs, bribes and misinformation.

Still, there are other natural ways to treat cancer besides radiation, chemo and cutting. They also have a much higher cure rate but you will never hear about them in this country. This is a fact.

Doesn't it make since that natural remedies exist that can boost your immune system.
The body has a great ability to cure itself if you get rid of the cause of the problem instead of just treating the symptom with toxic meds. Why should anybody believe everything a doctor tells you when he/she isn't trained on alternative treatments and are just pushers for the drug companies? Doctors never talk about eliminating the toxins that build up in the body and instead prescribe medicines that will in fact only put more toxins in the body. Many Natural Remedies work and the only way they can be presented is by testimonials. Unfortunately, all the FDA has to say is that there are no studies to confirm it and people believe them blind fully when in fact, thousands of people all around the world have experienced the exact opposite. Many times they are cured.

Remember natural remedies boosting your immune system instead of loading it with pharmaceutical toxins. There are countless studies done outside the United States, but the FDA will not allow them to be published and sold as a CURE in the United States and will do everything discredit it and shut down these practices.

This is a fact. Besides Doctors can't prescribe food as a cure. The FDA won't allow it. PERIOD. They only cover up the symptoms with medications and offer no cure. Many illnesses can be cured but your doctor will never tell you how, and "BIG PHARMA" has the FDA in their pocket.

That 1/2 of the FDA's staff that reviews new medicines for approval are actually paid by the pharmaceutical companies? This happened in the 1990.

I simply state that if you are on drugs, there are many other options that your doctor will never tell you about because they aren't not trained in FOODS and other hologistic remedies. They go to school to learn two things, how to be drug pushers and cut on you. Many of the top schools are in fact supplemented by grants from "BIG PHARMA".

You have to understand that it is all about money. There is no money in natural remedies. Pills can be made for 10 cents and sold for 10 per pill.

If you think Americans eat right and aren't loaded with toxins, why are we so sick? This isn't the case in other countries. It all has to do with the monies made by the food industry that is making us fact. Their goal is to get us addicted to foods that make us fat. Then we have to go to the doctor to get a pill. It's all big business and is a fact.

There is a place for modern medicine but natural remedies can boost the immune sytems and prevent most of the conditions instead of covering up the symptom.

Fine, if I accept all you've just said. Why would you take something that isn't in a food that you would naturally eat? It seems to me that the company selling it is posed to make a handsome profit. I'm not saying don't do it; I'm just saying it seems fishy to me. Hey increase your dietary fiber intake, do it with all natural grains. Just don't believe everything you read on a website. I agree that the pharma cos. are trying to bribe the medical community everyday. But, how does that make you trust the peddlers of this product? I'm just trying to save you money.