Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it?



>>This looks like the best. I'll be giving you my daily reports to let you know how it goes.

>>MoJoMan.... no longer full of it!:worthy: :plus-un2:

This thread is officially 4 stars, I don't care what anyone says. Please don't be overly graphic, but if you actually get worms and stuff out of your insides, I want to hear about them. I don't think I have them, but I want them out either way.


Thanks TPS. I won't post pictures but it worth a shot. I am toxined out. Recently I took a bunch of antibotic for an infected tooth. According to what I've read, when you take antibodics you kill the good and the bad bacteria leading to a Candita over growth. This cleanse restores the good bacteria and gets rid of the Candita over growth.

On the second day, I've had 3 movements and all were more productive than everyday since the antibodics. According to the website referenced, the real magic starts around day 8 with parasites through week 2.

In the name of science, I am sacraficing time, money and....

It will be interesting. Thanks