Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it?

I'm sure your dad is a great guy and I'm not trying to insult him.

Hey, the colon is only part of the cleanse.
This complete body cleanse only cost about $150. I'd spend 10x that having your dad probe me, and more than that with the meds he'd load me up on.

What do you want your dad to say? My poop is his bread and butter. :covri:

The real test is if you dad has heard of this specific cleanse and has understands how all of the ingredients work. The answer is no because he is educated on only pharmaceuticals. Anything is against everything he was taught in school and the medical journals. Sadly that doesn't include natural remedies. They WILL/NEVER WORK according to the medical industry and only what they prescribe works.

If the medical industry would cure something, I would be impressed. Seems to me that doing a complete body cleanse would be something that he could prescribe. Sad to say, he doesn't. See the problem yet? predictable.

Anyone who proclaims something completely safe simply because its "100% all natural" has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. I shouldn't even have to expand on that thought...

As to your obvious disdain for all things "doctorly," its fairly laughable. Have you been to med school? Have you been involved in scientific research? I'm going to go ahead and guess no on this one, considering you seem to think that all or even a majority of medical research is funded by "big pharmaceutical companies." Funny, because you seem to believe you have vast knowledge of how medical students are taught these days and how research is conducted. I guess all med school classes are taught by pharmaceutical CEOs....didn't know that.

I did research for almost 5 years and never once applied for a pharm grant, nor collaborated with anyone involved with pharm money. That's because the pharmaceutical companies fund under a third of medical research.

You talk about doctors peddling drugs as if this company is not peddling their product. Again, laughable...web testimonials are for suckers anyway.

As to modern medicine "never curing anything," how is is possible this thread has gone two pages and you haven't been completely ridiculed over that claim?? Considering you claim to have taken antibiotics, I'd say you're a complete hypocrite.

Its entirely possible that this stuff works wonders. Its a lot more likely its a complete waste of money and you'd get the same "results" (ie. pooping) by just loading up on fiber. I really don't care either way. But lets not go throwing the entire medical industry out the window because you're constipated.

/rant off