Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it?

We are all gonna DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!! [tm - somebody]

No, really, we are. No matter whether you "detox" or not.

A woman I know did all this crap a few years ago. Not only using the same arguments given here, but actually using many of the exact same words and phrases used here. :scratch:

She also happens to be the sickest person I have ever known. She never has a single day where she is not sick now.

Let me tell you where the OP is headed next. And how much money this will cost. This woman had 10 teeth removed - more than 1/3 - because some "naturopath" (or whatever they call themselves) convinced her that was the root of her problems with her poop after the colon cleansing did nothing. That was done at her own expense. Probably at about $150 per tooth.

Then she spent months going several times a week to a hyperbaric chamber. I'm sure she ran into Michael Jackson all the time there. That cost her thousands over the years.

After that, she had built in her apartment a sauna. I believe that cost her about $3,000. Because that was "now" the only was to "flush the toxins" from her body.


One more question for the OP. Where are you getting all these posts? Why aren't you willing to give the links for any of the stuff you are posting? Does this pattern above sound like where you are headed, based on what you are reading?

This woman I work with made a great deal selling a house about 3 years ago, and profited more than $100,000 from it. It is now nearly all gone, the majority of it spent on "getting better." "How can you put a price on your health?" Except that now she has less health, and less money.