I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table
Gun control -- I own many. Can shoot very well. Would not give a second thought to killing someone who entered my house to hurt my family. I believe hunter's Safety/Firearm Safety should be a required class to all children.
Gay marriage -- Who cares?
Abortion -- Legalize it, and while you are at it, make birth control availible to all.
Church and State -- You have the right to believe what you want, so long as you don't spout it off to me. Honor my culture as much as you value yours. My money says in god we trust, and nativity scenes are at Christmas. It was what the culture of this country is. Also any church which gets into the political arena whould be paying taxes. I go to church and hear the promotion to go on a hunger fast so God will elect George Bush, then time to pay the tax man.
Taxes -- Falls under spending it wisely. Tax me, just don't waste my money on some overcharged Halliburton subsidy garbage hauler.
Foreign policy -- Shut off all American money to all forgien governments. Then see how quick all these nations want to complain.
Education -- Get the government out of the classroom. Get a decent votech education system in this country for children who are not college bound.
Trade -- Make it reciprical. You don't want our goods, we don't want yours.
Welfare -- Get rid of it. Totally. Gone. Have free daycare and job training or college assistance for people who choose to better themselves.
Campaign finance -- Have the government pick up the tab for all races. Absolutly no lobbyist money allowed.
Death penalty -- Should be put to death after 2 appeals in the same manner they killed the individuals. Do it televised in the town square. THEN it would be a true motivation not to do it. If that is too harsh, set up death row like Japans. Once your sentence is passed, you can be put to death anytime. You won't know till they wheel the gallows to your door and let you out.
Social Security -- Fund it and run it right
Energy -- Have a total comitment to natural renewable energy and efficiancy. The country will not be truely safe nor secure until this happens. Are we there yet with the technology? No, but if it was made a priority, it could be.
Environment -- See energy related comment and this will solve many of these problems. fresh water and clean air are a must. Even if it costs a little more, it needs to be done.
Immigration -- Iron clad enforcement of laws. Then allow people in to work and make them legally protected so that the companies they work for are required to obey minimum wage and OSHA protections.
Civil Liberties -- Essential to who we are as a nation.