Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it?

yeah wasn't polio almost an epidemic when it hit? soo 200 vs thousands dead...... interesting.

Conspiracy threories aside, there is a reason we have the FDA and the likes. They make sure that the medicines are safe. Many drugs are approved an then later unapproved but in the end they do their job. I am not one who wants to take a drug to "heal" myself. But when it comes down to it I'll be taking my anti-biotics approved by a governing body who's job is to make sure it don't kill me. Just because it is deemed "natural" does not mean it is healthy for you. Alot of the approved stuff has side affects. I can only Imagine what the side effects to having the lining of your intestines ripped from your body are.

Rather than go by someone's "paid" testimonial I'd go by laboratory testing with results as back up and an actual scientists researched and knowledgable testimonial.

+1 Because natural supplements and "remedies" aren't tested by the FDA, you have to be very careful when taking them. Many are, in fact, known to have pretty severe side-effects. I'm not going to judge what you are doing or the used of holisitic remedies, but just be careful.