I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table

I'm really not sure what you are trying to say here Reb. I was just pointing out that the language of the Constitution itself doesn't say anything about the militias being used to resist the government. While it happened as you have stated (one of those times was pre-Constitution), that still doesn't mean that "militia" when used in the Second Amendment referred to an armed insurrection against the government as suggested by Wombat.

Sorry I was ambiguous. I think the intent of "keeping a well regulated militia," for the framers meant if they perceived any threat from a strong state, or an intrusive federal standing army--a state could call its militia (based on individual gun-owners rights) of well-armed citizens. Or, they could glean they bolster the national army by calling up state-armies (national guard) to respond to a threat.

I think it actually serves both purposes. If ever the national government wants to disarm the states or the American people, I'm suspicious.

It goes back to the colonists' suspicion of standing armies.

The language in the Constution I was referring to is based on historical experience.