I got my swamp tour; thanks everyone. You know, it turns out swamp touring is a major industry. The fact that people will pay good money to see this stuff and walk away ecstatic afterward is just one more reason I love Louisiana. hahaha.
Boudreaux: "So what are our assets?"
Thibideaux: "Well, we have this swampland, an aluminum boat, some assorted creatures, and my friend Poche who plays an accordion."
Boudreaux: "Excellent. We'll catch some of the creatures and cover them in hot spices & cook them, paint up the aluminum boat, and call up Poche & tell him we have a gig for him. We'll charge city people big money for all this."
Thibideaux: "But Poche only sings French."
Boudreaux: "They'll like it even more."
Thibideaux: "We're gonna get rich."
Boudreaux: "Bye bye dead end job!."
This is what America is all about.
I found a guy named "Champagne," who took us out near Breaux Bridge. (I forgot to ask him how to pronounce his name.) Really nice fellow, with a cool no-nonsense boat, lots of fun facts, amazing scenery & wildlife, and ALLIGATORS! everywhere! Yeah! Casey & I had a great time, and the kids were very impressed. They'll be talking about this all week at school.
I realize that, for a few of you, me saying you should check out a swamp would be like you telling me I should check out some Houston traffic. But I think we do forget what we have in our own back yard, and I find the business of tourism quite fascinating.
Casey took some wonderful pictures. We'll share them as soon as I get a minute. They're truly amazing. Everybody go out and do something fun!