the VG board football thread

I usually don't get ticked off about grammatical errors on a message board. But dominate and bias are the two that, for some reason, are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

I think it's because they are writing something based on the way it sound phonetically, but only to yat. And I typically am amused by yats, not irritated. So I don't know what's going on.

It's just a level of stupidity I'm not comfortable rolling around in the mud with.

Dominate, lol. "Yah, brah. Drew Brees is the most dominate qwautaback in da league, brah. If da media wadn't so bias he'd be on tv more den Tohm Brady, bruh. Yo, let's go see da layza show at da planatariam dood."