Ingram looking forward to playing with Reggie Bush


We remember how Ricky Williams was an absolute arse when Deuce came aboard; didn't mentor him at all. :jpshakehead:

But when the Saints drafted Bush (in '06), and with FAR MORE HYPE than Ingram has received, Deuce showed how he was a "class act" by welcoming and mentoring Reggie. And despite being injured, Deuce carried a heavy load, and '06 was one of his best seasons.

Fast-forward to today. Reggie has an opportunity to rise above the childish attitudes that some athletes have today. <s>My</s> Our hope is that Reggie helps Ingram with a smooth transition. If he does, our running game will be off the chain (without the distraction and drama)! :evilgrin:



Anyone think PT will be way more of a Mentor than Reggie? Reggie is still making childish statements and being a bit of a head case after 5 years. Not that he can't help Ingram get the playbook, but I see PT being more of a mentor. As a Bama fan I can tell you Ingram is a humble dude and reminds me a lot of PT. Plus their styles are "closer" to each other than Reggie is to Ingram. Again, Reggie is only a few weeks removed from making ill advised, whiny statements. He is no where near mature as Deuce was, nor may he ever be. PT just seems to have a better chance of being a true mentor, IMHO.