Anyone wanna dis on Governor Blanco at this point?

Apparently there is a memorandum of understanding between Louisiana and Kuwait to study building the first new refinery in American in over 30 years.

Apparently she is in serious negotiations with a German company who wants to build a steel mill on the river somewhere between New Orleans and Baton Rouge.

Various contacts were made all over Asia and many very rich Asian business people didn't know about the tax breaks from President Bush's Go Zone programs and were quite interested. Even one company (can't remember if it was Japan or Korea) inquired of her what the state was doing for film companies as he noticed that many movies were being filmed in Louisiana. She told him about how they're trying to make the area a "Hollywood South" and that there are massive tax credits available to shoot and produce here. Apparently they are in talks about building a foreign-owned studio here in Louisiana.

Then GM or Dahmer-Crysler is looking at a state built plant of several hundred acres to possibly start building cars.

Hey look, I'm not a Blanco voter either. But we've come a far way from Governor Foster only bringing in a couple of dubious pollution companies and not even having an economic development office while Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi were luring in major manufacturing plants.

If she's able to line some of this stuff up, and we're talking about thousands of manufacturing and living-wage jobs here, it's going to be hard to harp on her Katrina performance.