If she's able to line some of this stuff up, and we're talking about thousands of manufacturing and living-wage jobs here, it's going to be hard to harp on her Katrina performance.
If she pulls it off, I will applaud her. But, it does not change the fact that she was a monumental failure in her early response to Katrina or the fact that the LRA seems to be incapable of issuing more than 22 checks in 4 months.
IMO, it's a balancing act. If she gets this done it's a big plus in her column, but it will be balanced out by the negatives she created in the past.
Largely, it shows what I thought about her after Katrina. She's a good Governor for economic development, but a terrible Governor during a crisis. I would like to have a Governor who can handle both equally well. I'm just not sure there is anyone out there who can.