Red Dead Redemption

you are not required to do any of the side missions :shrug:
i know but i think to be considered an all time great game the side missions should add to the game, not just be a time killer to make the game longer

I disagree with almost every one those points.

1) It does start slow, but that is more or less a tutorial. As far as the "ending slow", I've already explained why they do that and why it's a good thing.

2) It's a good long game of at least 30 hours and if you go into the free roam with some friends it's a really good time. I must have spent a good 20 hours doing that. And, the multiplayer was even okay. I'd say I got at least 50 or 60 hours of play out of the game which is good for a game that is not focused on multiplayer. Beyond that, it's one of the few games that I've ever even considered playing again.

3) I have no issues with those animation. They are necessary to lend some realism to the game. And, as far as skinning, you can almost auto skin if you position your horse over the kill and press the button to skin while on the horse.

4) I had no issue with when and where the game saved so I didn't care that I could save exactly where I wanted. In fact, I though it added to the seamless nature of the game and kept you in the game world better. But, now that I think about it, I think you could save it when you wanted, but the auto save worked so well I didn't see a need to use it.

5) I though the side missions were fine and they are optional so you don't have to do them. Even with out them, and I did not do all of them, it's a good long single player experience.

6) You could go back and loot the bodies. Beyond that I don't see why you complain about having to do that and then complain because you think they won't let you do that in some situations.

7) I'm not sure what challenges you are talking about.

8) The outfits are optional and they do actually add some abilities depending on the outfit. Plus, some of the look cool. I don't know that I need more than that they make it look cool. I guess they could have left the option of changing outfits out, but I don't see how you can peanalize them for adding a little something extra to the asthetics.

9) I tend to agree the mini-games are boring, but they are mostly optional and you don't have to do them unless you want to. I think there is only three missions that require you to play a mini-game and they were short and not an issue. It's just extra content that you can do if you enjoyed it and some people did enjoy it.

10) I didn't have any issues with Deadeye.

Bonus 1: The different weapons did do different things. I noticed a major difference between the pistols, various rifles and shotguns.

Bonus 2: You are seldom forced to ride a long distance and when you were, it was actually fun. Besides, I enjoyed riding around hunting for game and collecting skins. I didn't start using fast travel until late in the game.

its all opinion, and i really enjoyed the game. i'm just saying due to those things i don't consider it an all time great game. I respect your opinion though, but i don't like that i "don't have to do" certain things. if a game really is that good it doesn't feel like a chore doing extra stuff and this did. for instance in fallout i did literally everythign you could and every side mission and they were all fun. these side missions i skipped most due to boredom.

and the challenges i mean the master hunter, treasure hunter, and sharpshooter challenges. and as far as the guns go you could really play the whole game with the evans repeater i think that has the 22 bullet capacity. after getting that gun all the others are pretty useless. just dead eye pick 22 people to shoot and they all die lol

It's not perfect, but it's as close to perfect as I've seen and this is coming from someone who was never really a fan of the GTA games mostly because I thought the open world stuff made it hard to follow the main plot line. I thought they did a good job of keeping this one on track without letting the open world aspect get in the way. And, I think without the open world aspect you would loose the western feel of the game. Plus, if you've ever played the last Call of Juarez, you would see how crappy a liner western game can be.

i tried call of juarez, i agree it sucked. red dead was much better. i think its really good but not an all time great.

The different outfits weren't "necessary" but they did give you small benefits/changes in regards to areas like health, reload speed, dead eye meter, notoriety, etc. It was way better than only having one outfit option.

And the interactions with the random characters in the world were awesome. Those moments helped to flesh out the wild west world that Marston lived in. The game could have worked without them but credit Rockstar for putting them in and breathing life into the setting.

I thought it was great when you would stop to help a damsel in distress only to find out that it was a trap (I mean, people were desperate). And if I remember correctly, convincing the man outside the bar to either sleep with the hooker or go home to his wife played a part in the mysterious man story arc, so it wasn't a random, isolated incident.

I also don't understand why you seem so shocked that a guy would leave a woman of the night on her own outside of a pub. Hookers had it rough back then (no Richard Gere).

i didn't mind the costumes but i bought the deadly assassin outfit, the had to do stupid things to unlock it and only wore that

Many of those are opinions of the game and not necessarily problems with the game. I disagree with most of them, but that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

On the other hand, several of those points are just inaccurate statements. For example, there was a save anywhere feature, outfits did serve a purpose (albeit small), animations you had to sit through (when you really didn't) and the "average play length" when it was one of the longer and more detailed games to come out in awhile.

save anywhere i'm correct about. i'm not sure how i'm wrong?
animations i'm also correct about?
outfits had a small purpose but not worth the time spent unlocking them

Actually a well thought out post. Here's my response:

1) Sanchez is an overrated d bag who will be crushed under the weight of his own hype, as are all USC products eventually
2) Rex Ryan is a creepy sexual deviant
3) The defense has aged from good to slightly above average - and before we mark this as a good thing, the defense is literally all they have. Literally.
4) No 'save anywhere' feature bothers me too.
5) The offensive skill positions read like a who's who of 2007 list and just a "who?" of 2011.
6) Nick Mangold sounds like, and plays like, a gay porn star
7) No team in history has done less to back up more trash talk than the Jets
8) Vilma. Lulz!
9) Remember that Jets Super Bowl win? Yeah, neither does anyone else alive today.

Bonus complaint - They play in New Jersey. New Jersey.

really? thats a classy post