Red Dead Redemption

It was the same game engine as F.O. 3 with a different skin. I thought they called it Fallout 3: New Vegas, but apparently it was just Fallout: New Vegas. :idunno:

But, that doesn't change the fact that it was incredibly boring.

i think fallout 3 was a much better game. story wise, the missions were better, leveling system better, etc. a whole diff group of people made fallout NV. it really wasn't even the same group. plus its still 2 separate games so to say 1 sucks so the other does is crazy. for instance in the dragon age thread i said i started with the 1st one and somebody there posted it was great but the 2nd was a let down. it happen. the 1st fable was a great game. 2nd one was good not great. i heard the 3rd one bombed. It happens.

I think Save Everywhere is dumb. You should have to set up camp. Otherwise you could just walk around day and night forever, without even taking meth.

thats your opinion but if i'm in the middle of a town and i don't have a house there why can't i save and shut the game off? instead i have to call my horse run out of town pick the campsite form my menu , watch a little animation, then press save. I like being able to save everywhere. all fre roam games should have that feature.

Really? Really? If you're too lazy to move your thumbs for the few seconds it requires to walk to your "bed" or out into the wilderness, then you don't need to be playing video games. I can't believe you're complaining about something so simple. I could see your point if it took minutes to save, but it literally takes seconds to save.

"HERP DERP, I kant sav enstantli, so I'z ganna nok on a grate gaim...HERP DERP!!!"

still its wasted seconds. and it doesn't have anything with laziness. sitting around playing a game is lazy to me period. its boring to have to do that to save. it ruins the fun and flow of the game. once again thats my opinion of it. if they fixed the things i listed i would agree its an all time great game. but to me its not.