We were going to see Horrible bosses while the girls went and seen Friends with Benifiets..
Well, Horrible bosses was sold out, so the only other movie playing in that time slot was Captain America.. I was never a big Super Hero fan, more of a moderate fan. Don't really like the 42 sequels they launch after the original, then the 5 reboots afterwards.lol..
But back to my original point.. I enjoyed it.. It was a good action flick..
I am glad they kept it in the original timeline, instead of modernizing it.
All I heard about this movie was ' he's not gonna be Captian America in this movie, he gonna be the First Avenger, its gonna be a UN type setting, like GI JOE, becuase of the liberal hollywood producers are anti amerian' and stuff like that..
well, I hope they see it and realize they are idiots..lol..
Maybe I missed it, but i don't think I ever saw a swatztika (sp? aint gonna google the spelling) at all in the movie.. Which I assume because it helps their oversees market, since I believe certain countries don't allow it...
Tommy Lee Jones helped this movie a lot... Just once in a movie, when a character's body mass grows greatly, I would like them to address that he will not have the same waist size...lol.