the VG board football thread

Those posts were stupid, but that doesn't change the fact that Jeff Duncan obviously let his personal feelings get involved too much in his reporting. It's amateurish and makes him look like a hack.

I generally believe Duncan to be a hard worker who plays things safe, which is what he's supposed to be. But the tenor of his Reggie stuff didn't match the evenhandedness he showed (and is required to show) otherwise.

Dude is hack. And he's a redneck, which makes anything worse.

I agree. But, I can't help but wonder if Duncan doesn't do it on purpose just to get publicity, hits on Twitter and hits on his video blog. I mean, it's tough making a living as a print reporter these days with all the interwebs reporters and teh Twitters. I see a lot of the Duncan reaction the same as the LSU fans who get :mad: at Glenn Gilbeau for every bad thing he writes about LSU. He's baiting them and they take the bait every time. Still, he should be more professional about it.

But, I didn't know he was a redneck. That changes everything.