the VG board football thread

Meh, even if he does do it for that reason it still makes him a hack. Get publicity by writing great stuff. Develop some talent and write something interesting. Don't resort to Skip Bayless tactics. By definition, that makes you a hack.

I don't think Duncan is that bad. Yes, the Twitter stuff is dumb and unprofessional, but I think that is the nature of that type of media. Guys are just sending out stream of consciousness stuff and a guy like Duncan isn't built that way. He's a newspaper reporter which means he is used to thinking about a story for a while during the game or during the week, writing it and then having it edited by the paper. Twitter is too immediate and too much freedom for him.

And, I actually think the stuff he writes in the paper is pretty good and that he does a good job on reports from training camp. So, while I don't think he is a great reporter, I don't think "hack" is quite fair. Of course, I think I compare all Saints' reporting to what Kenny Wilkerson did so my standards are pretty low in that regard.

So, in the end, I guess what I'm saying is that you are acting like an L.S.U. fan.