the VG board football thread

That's because you aren't good at accepting nuance. Things are either-or with you. If something exists that you haven't explored or that you don't fully understand, you insert it into a one of the tiny boxes in your tiny head that make sense. You're thoughts are always: "should I push this old lady down a flight of stairs and raid her pocketbook" or "should I not push this old lady down a flight of stairs and take her pocketbook."

It's an odd trait for someone who's supposed to be a smart guy.

(In case you can't tell by now, calling me a lsu fan is fighting words :))

The nuance in this case that you're missing lies in the fact that I don't really care about Reggie Bush. I liked the dude and constantly expected the next play or the next game or the next season would be his breakout, but I'm not bitter that we shipped him. I've always thought that our offense performed better without him, and the numbers back that up. I think Payton is better play caller when he's not trying to get Reggie involved.

So while I liked having him, I'm not crying that we bounced him. So very much unlike the lsu fan comparison that you made, my issues with Duncan are more about Duncan himself than a reaction to him publicizing an area where he disagrees with me. I don't really disagree with him.

That doesn't mean he's not taking part in hackey behavior. I generally think he's industrious and solid. There is no art to what he does, but I don't think artfully is part of his job description, so it's okay.

But when he gets petty and lets his brain and his personal thoughts seep into what's supposed to be a solid column of facts and events, I'm well within my rights to then hate his brain and the petty, simple little thoughts that are revealed to lay within. Even though Reggie is the subject matter, Reggie really has nothing to do with it.

Dude is some redneck interloper who came to this market to make a career. I'm sensitive and envious of writers because I feel like I would be better at it than they are, so I'm critical of them when I get the chance. When the writer is a redneck hack who has a job that I'd probably prefer doing more than my own, well let's just say that guy doesn't have to slip up very much to tick me off.

That is the nuance that you're not accounting for.

Just like an L.S.U. fan. If he doesn't understand something he claims it's the other guy that doesn't understand and then writes a book about it. At least you admit that you're jealous of Duncan. You're jealous of Duncan just like LSU fans are jealous of USC.

You'll be walking around the Dome saying "at least we have LSU" if we lose a game this season. :jpshakehead: