Finally! People are starting to realize that Dane Cook is not funny.
I like him. Hes a story teller who I can relate too, not just joke/punchline.
Backlash is common when one become popular.
Exactly. He's a story teller/comedian, and I find it funny how they're writing articles about him not being funny yet people buy his stuff in record numbers. It's all a matter of taste. One might not like him, but please don't write an opinion article as fact, which is what some of the articles come off as.
And no, his fans aren't idiotic teenage girls. Granted, many are younger adults, but he doesn't have the following of Britney Spears.
My favorite quote from that article is ... "I got my ***** busted for a long time when I first started the Web site," Cook recently told The Associated Press. "Those same comics that were busting on me were coming back to me five years later and asking 'Hey, how do I set up a MySpace?' "
If he stole material, prove it and sue Cook. Until then, it comes across as sour grapes.
As for Tourgasm, I didn't find it to be all that funny, but that's a matter of taste once again. Oh, and speaking of Louis C.K., as that article does, I don't find his show Lucky Louie on HBO to be the funniest thing ever, but I did enjoy parts of it, did laugh at parts of it and did enjoy the cast, especially Jim Norton.