I pay $60 a year for features like this

Why? Hulu+ is terrible.

You must watch it on PS3. (haha, joking).

For starters, for $9, I watched every episode of Bones ever made, including those from this season, which are not available on Netflix.

My wife wanted to watch "The Legend of the Seeker" tv series because she's reading the books. The show was cancelled and does not come on Netflix or Directv.

I detest that Hulu+ still has the occasional commercial, but still, it's pretty good for my uses.

Partially due to the crappy PSN network and related problems, like the Hulu+ stuff and long download times, I mostly use my PS3 for watching blu-rays and the occasional PS3 exclusive game (Demon Souls, Uncharted, etc).

I dig my PS3, but the service from their free network is about what I would expect. Slow. The $60 a year sucks, but at least I don't have to download files for hours upon hours or have to patch my console for an hour what seems like every time I boot up.