From "cakewalk" to "Walk in the Park"

blackadder, this is coming from a very conservative newspaper and a very suspect audiecne as well, we all know that Seymour Hersh has been basicaly jumping up and down saying he knows what will happen with Iran and the nuclear energy thing they are suspected of developing for sinsister purposes, the problem with Hersh is the same thing thats wrong with this report, its totally pandering to assuming and making assumptions and you just dont assume in this business. Despite your dislike for neoconservatives, they know that the Democrats control the House and the Senate and that to get any approval for an attack on Iran any kind, you need Congress to approve, hell even with the Iran/Contra scandal Reagan faced extreme hell for doing what he did, it may have been unpopular and dirty and suspect, but Reagan was damned and determined to not let the Soviets in Latin America have any kind of influence, none what so ever. I mean you had Castro in cuba and the Sandinista in Nicaruagua, you could not let the Soviet Union has a say so in the affairs so close to our country, REagan just couldnt allow that. I dont condone the funding to the Contras per se but the intentions of the Sandinistas were questionable at best, they were very left wing and had some socialist beliefs in their doctrines, what do you do?
But getting back to Iran, I dont think Bush has an option here with them, the next president will probably have to deal with them IMHO.
It may have been a passing thought a few years back, but not now with the Dems in control