Is gasoline this volatile in your area?

Higher Fuel Prices

Here's a little note that I received yesterday.

* Geopolitical continued tensions--------------always bullish.

* Europe's gasoline stocks are critically low. You say, so what. Well, we import a lot of European gasoline, so we are getting in really deep doodoo when you see the charts below.

* China's 1st Qtr growth is estimated at 11%-------------means they are not going back to riding bicycles. Last year's oil imports grew by an estimated 8.8% and are expected to take the number one position of the world's biggest oil consumer over the U.S. How about that? Now, if we could get them to agree to emissions control like President Bush has asked of them, then he might get back into the Kyoto Treaty. China and India were excluded from the Kyoto Treaty back in the 90's and were not required to control gas emissions. That was not the most intelligent thing to do because their emissions affect the atmosphere just as much as the U.S. -------------obviously because they are the two biggest growing countries in the world and should adhere to world emission standards just like everyone else. Will that happen? Your guess is as good as mine on that.

* Demand is really ramping up. World demand is now looking at hitting 86 million barrels of crude oil a day sooner than expected. The kicker is ------the world can only produce 85 million bbls/day.

* The U.S. has refinery problems right now. Analysts expected refinery output to be over 90% this week, but it went down to 87.8%. Yikes! We need more refineries------------that will work!!!

* Hurricane season is expected to be active-----------that's a toss up. Only God knows on this one.