Anyone wanna dis on Governor Blanco at this point?

IIRC (and I could really be wrong here), but it was/is important to avoid the appearance of corruption. To do so means being accountable for every penny and distribution of a lot of the money given to LA from Washington required some sort of plan in which the money is to be spent. Many areas (including NOLA) still have no solid plan to date. Hopefully that's not what that money is for. Still, I'm sure it can't be given out too quickly...


Part of the blame for that stuff clearly has to fall on Mayor Wonka. But, I haven't seen any leadership coming from the Governor's office on those issue. There is money out there that we will not get because the deadlines are approaching and no one will put together the plans necessary. There are numerous other grants for things like small businesses that no one really knows about and those deadlines are approaching too. Both the Mayor and the Governor need to show some leadership, meet those deadlines and get that information out. The only reason I know about it is a guy I work with has taken up the torch and has been yelling about it to the City Council, the Mayor and the Governor and has gotten little to no response.