the VG board football thread

Just a casual observation, but Mike Mcarthy is a slightly better play caller than Sean Payton. He's got all the awesome stuff without the goofiness that Payton displays on the most crucial plays.

When it comes to a critical, game-on-the-line, do or die 4th and 3 or whatever, Payton is always like a guy playing Paper Rock Scissors thinking too many moves ahead. He's the guy who after a tie on scissors is thinking: "he knows I just went scissors. He's expecting me to think he's going scissors again, which means he thinks I'll go rock, so he'll go paper. So I'll go scissors!!!!". Meanwhile the other dude is just going rock.

I'm quite certain Payton looks at gamefilm all the time and complains that other people are too stupid to trick.

It makes sense that there is a chance MM is a better play caller than Payton. I mean, MM did actually make Aaron Brroks look like a good qb for a few years. THAT is amazing.

All jokes aside, I'm not that sure MM is that much better than SP. MM is blessed with wr's that can go the distance. Our wr's are just not anywhere close to being as good as GB's. They don't catch as well and they are stiff and lumbering by comparison. And even our fast wr's like Meachum and Devery don't seem to "handle" nearly as well out of the breaks. Especially Meachum, he's like a nervous little dog that sometimes just "spazzes" out when trying to run. I'm not sure what is up with that.

I think sometimes Payton had to take chances MM didn't have to take. He has to be a lot more creative due to the lack of yack our wr's can generate compared to GB's. Our offensive line is also EXTREMELY "unclutch" and not very good at run blocking, they seem to only be good at run blocking when the other team has no idea what we are gonna do. Three things became apparent to me while watching that game.

1) Green Bay has one of the best collection of wr's to ever play together in the NFL.

2) Drew Brees with Green Bay's wr's would be even more sick than Aaron Rogers, because Drew is a better qb than Rogers.

3)I don't trust our interior line at all for run blocking when the other team knows we are running. It's like SP has to keep the opponent guessing at all times(and due to that, he can get too cute), because if the other team knows a run is coming, we get blasted!

I would rather have 3rd and 5 yards(where we are forced to pass) to go than 3rd and 1. And I've been thinking this way for years. sigh