Anyone wanna dis on Governor Blanco at this point?
I do not wish to dis Blanco. But I will tell you the reasons I hope Jindal runs and, if he does, the reasons I will support him.
Blanco has not been a bad governor. Her economic development efforts have been much more extensive than those of Mike Foster, who was at best a mediocre governor and who did little to retard the state's economic decline during his two terms other than increase funding for higher education. I applaud Blanco's efforts to secure manufacturing jobs for the state.
My problem is that Blanco remains a status quo governor. Look at her legislative leadership. In terms of political culture, the perception of the nation, funding for and expectations for higher education, our tax structure, and most important a business model for Louisiana's economy, we need more a complete break from the past. Blanco is incapable of engineering the paradigm shift that Louisiana needs in its politics and economy.