Thoughts on this week's episode of Lost?
I thought it was great. Now that we know why they selected Jack, I'm curious about Kate and Sawyer. What can they possibly use Sawyer's conning skills for? I think Kate may just be there so that they can get Sawyer to do whatever they want and to play Jack and Sawyer off each other.
As far as neglecting the others on the main island, I don't think they will. I think the emphasis will switch back and forth between the islands until Locke finally plans his rescue.
To be honest, the only characters I'm really interested in on the main island are Eko, Desmond, and Hurley. I could care less about Charlie and Claire. Sayid got on my nerves last episode, and I'm getting tired of Locke (though he does have the potential to further develop in a better direction). Jin and Sun are interesting characters but don't do much to advance the overall plot. I want to see Michael come back. I'm sure at some point he'll be used as some sort of deus ex machina. Or maybe he'll get in contact with Desmond's gal pal. Now I'm rambling...but still, good episode. Got me excited about the rest of the season.