Anyone wanna dis on Governor Blanco at this point?

>>He has at least tried to push the oil revenue sharing bill. But, I guess that's why I would prefer him as a governor

And continued pushing it when it was obvious that the house version was doomed. Charlie Romero tried to bash Melancon with failing to stand with Jindal on his bill, but what would have been the point?

However, you mention freshman congressmen can't get much done, but Rep. Melancon did a pretty good job parlaying his moderate views into making him the 265th most influential in 2 years time.

Blame me, I did vote for Jindal. :shrug:


No doubt Jindal has fallen too much into national party politics on the oil revenue bill, but it's really how the game is played up there. And, like I said, that's why I would rather him as Governor. We do need to get behind the Senate bill and Mary Landrieu on this issue. I was actually surprised that Mary Landrieu getting the New York Times Editorial Board to change their mind about the Oil Revenue Sharing Bill didn't get more publicity in the local media or on this board.

Charlie Melancon has done a good job, especially for a freshman Congressman, but I do think it had a little bit to do with the Democrats helping him out so they can keep a seat that has been in the hands of Republicans for years. No such motivation exists for the Republicans with Jindal. They know they own that seat in Metairie.

But, Melancon is to be complimented for the job he has done and I was very happy to see him beat Craig Romero after the typical I support Family Values, but I'm not above running a smear campaign that was run by Craig Romero. It also didn't help Romero's cause in my mind that I got recorded calls from Newt Gingrich, Bobby Jindal, David Vitter and George Bush asking me to vote for Romero. Also, the adds paid for by the National Republican party where the announcer could not properly pronounce "Melancon" (They pronounced it Mel-a-con) didn't help.:ezbill: