the VG board football thread

Pretty sure this is when the Falcons jumped offsides.:9:

He said "oh my *#*#$$#$# God" I

I hate that guy. He looks just like a slimeball used car salesmen that just got out of jail for writing hot checks. Or the low-life that tries to pick up on your girlfriend while you're in the bathroom using the Jim Carry "What is love" technique.

Of course, his worse flaw is he is defensive coordinator for the Falcons.

Seeing him miserable and sad made me quite happy. I think I'll come back to this thread 10 times a day just to stare at that gif. Something tells me my entire family could be run over by a stray pack of buffalo, yet that gif might still bring keep my spirits up when the world is at its darkest hour.

Wish I could give a post 100000000000000 thumbs up.