Pastor to Die in Iran for being a Christian

As a Muslim let me tell you all that in Islam it is forbidden to forcefully convert a matter of fact the Qur'an states conversion comes from God and no one else so no one can force anyone to convert. A story that goes perfectly with this is the story of the Prophet Muhammad himself when he was preaching the religion. When his uncle who protected him from the other clans was on his deathbed, Muhammad (pbuh) asked him repeatedly to convert. The following verses were then revealed:

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things."

(Not upon you is their guidance, but Allah guides whom He wills.) (2:272)

This is essentially means that his job is to preach and that is it. His job is not to spread the religion.

I mean not to offend anyone, but to to illustrate that Islam is not about force at all and please do not let these extreme fundamentalists give you a bad image of Islam. I hope this has cleared up some misinformation regarding this whole "forceful conversion" issue. What they are doing is wrong to that man.

In Islams early days when the Muslims were being persecuted, Muhammad (pbuh) specifically sent his followers to Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia) because the king of Abyssinia was a Christian. The Muslims were protected. All Muslims must believe in the old and new testament and Christians and Jews have the tell of "People of the Book" in Islam.