Pastor to Die in Iran for being a Christian

I didn't miss the point, and Iran is not going to kill this man in the name of tacos.

I don't believe that all Muslims are murderous scum, but I don't think they need a free pass card for modern day human rights violations because of the Spanish Freaking Inquisition or the Crusades.

Nobody claimed it did. The point is that the religion of Islam and Muslim's in general are no more to blame for this than Christians are to blame for the atrocities in Bosnia, the Catholic Church's complicity in the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition or the Crusades. This is an execution being carried out by a Totalitarian regime that uses the Muslim religion to keep power. Had the original post blasted Iran or the Iranian government for this, it would be one thing, but the original post blasted the Muslim religion and blamed it for this.

Of course, I also not that you ignore the most recent examples of atrocities committed in the name of Christianity. And, I've left out abortion clinic bombings and lychings and killings by the KKK and other Christian White Supremacist movements from the end of the Civil War up until today. But, again, Christianity is no more to blame for those things than Islam is to blame for what goes on in Iran.