But is that atheist observer speaking, anti? This doesn't any of us and most Americans. This thread turned from man facing possibly execution for his religious beliefs to criticizing, deriding him that not renouncing means he's abandoning his wife, kids. As if we could've handle differently, which hopefully, this country never unravels to point some would confront situations and make decisions with life, family, reputation on line. I can't say I face it differently, or break under pressure. This thread had lot of informative, objective posts but it ends there, because we can't forget what this really about, possible human rights violation in a nation that's executed gays, lesbians, outspoken critics, petty criminals, harassed, jailed, fined professors, scientists questioned clerical authority over religious, scientific claims.
This case is just one of many in a country where dogmatic theocracy trumps reason, logic, and unfortunate for Iranians who suffered under brutal autocrat and Savak for 34 years,