the VG board football thread

The falcon boards are histerical.

I've never seen such an up and down fan base.

I think the best quote ive ever read was one of their fans saying they want to stab mularcky in the chest repeatedly while screaming "GO DEEP GO DEEP GO DEEP" in his face.

Other nice ones, calling Michel turner a fat, decrepit pig.

That message board is hilarious.

Pathetic thing is many seemed surprised by Matt Ryan being so terrible.

Let's think for one second. How do you think Matt Ryan would do if he was playing for the Bears right now? It would be hilarious. His main problem is I believe he is the most one of the most unathletic qb's in the game today. Always falling backwards,'s just really sad. His arm also looks a lot weaker than normal. I'm thinking his knee is bothering him.

I'm really enjoying the meltdown of the Falcons. Especially because I and quite a few others saw it coming.