Pastor to Die in Iran for being a Christian
In a perfect, imperfect World, I'd almost...I said to see the Chinese army come pouring across our Southern border...or scratch that. I'd love to see the Guatemalans...bringing the Faith of Catholicism, even, to these Protestants...or really, just the "Beast" as is prophesied what he will do...and see how many in their uptight little worlds would actually "walk the talk" at the point of a sword. I'll bet that many here who are banging the drums for this "martyr" would chicken out themselves when faced with the up-front real-life choice...heck, according to some churches, they already have denied Christ for the "good life". Who are you going to believe?
...and I'll betchya they'll suddenly use the verses from Matthew and Luke that I quoted to justify their own "little white lie".