Thoughts on this week's episode of Lost?
The speculation has been that they need Sawyer because of his blood type. The Others might need the blood for the surgery Jack will have to perform on whoever has the tumor. Speculation continues that Kate is only around to keep Sawyer in line.
I agree that there has been a lot of focus on the Others. Really, I don't have a problem with it. I mean, I want to know more about these people (even though we really haven't learned much thus far). I think the producers are trying to create interest in the Others, and so far, I think they're doing a good job. The producers even said before the season began that this season would be about the Others.
However, it does look like the focus next week will be on the "original" cast. I definitely think we have not seen enough of Locke, Desmond, Sayid, and Eko thus far. The bad part is that there's only two more episodes until February. I like this idea of running episodes without any repeats, but that's still a long time to wait. Plus, I hear there's going to be a kind of mini-cliffhanger at the end of the episode on November 8 to keep us all waiting.