N/S Texans' Schaub To Miss Several Games [MERGED - UPDATE OUT FOR SEASON]]

The Texans' entire offense revolves around handing the ball off to Foster or Tate and then going to a play action rollout to the right. With Leinart being a lefty, they'll have to change a big part of their offense. While just flipping the play to accomodate a lefty sounds simple, I'm not sure it's going to be that easy. The line will have to shift their blocks, the receivers will be running routes from the opposite side of the field, and not to mention they'll be dealing with a somewhat unfamiliar QB throwing them the ball. The timing will be off. They need a right handed QB!

I grew up and still live in the Houston area, so I'm kind of partial to them. I like to see them win when they're not playing the Saints, and I was looking forward to a NOLA/Hou Superbowl, but with Leinart, that's not going to happen. What I'd like to see them do is pick up someone like David Garrard... He's still out there surprisingly. While he's no superstar, he gives them a better chance to win. I'd like to see Houston bring him in, and have him practice with the team, learn the playbook, etc. for a few weeks, keeping Leinart in the starting role until Kubiak feels Garrard is ready to take over. Houston is almost a lock to win that division. They can afford to lose a few games, so I don't see a problem with bringing in somebody new, like Garrard, and giving them a few weeks to digest the system and replacing Leinart for the last couple of games and the playoffs. With the #1 defense and running game in the league, who knows how far they could go in the playoffs with a decent QB.....which Leinart is not.