N/S: John Fox's Tebow Gaffe
99 times out of 100 those stats result in a loss, unless of course we're talking about football 70 years ago.
Let's do the math on this genius post.
Tebow has won four out of five
.99 x .01 x .01 x .01 x .01 = .0000000099
About 1 in 10,000,000 chance of that happening with "those stats"
Maybe Jesus is really helping him win games
Or maybe he's a legitimate, albeit unconventional, quarterback...all those folks that talk about the good ole days in the pass interference/roughing the qb threads, you have no business getting mad about a qb making 1950-style football work
You don't replace a guy who does nothing but make you win. I'm not saying it'll last forever, I'm just saying he has a better record than Drew Brees the last 5 weeks
Just sayin'