N/S: John Fox's Tebow Gaffe

I still don't think Denver can win many, possibly any, games against a team that actually has an offense with Tebow at quarterback. The two teams Tebow has faced with any semblance of an offense (Detroit and San Diego) beat him. San Diego, Chicago, New England, and Buffalo will be the games that show us whether Tim Tebow as an NFL quarterback can win games with the offense they are running now.

I want to pull for him. I really do. I thought I was there and then after the game he gets on the set on NFL network and thanks his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. By saying things like that he is asking to be hated. I don't hate the guy, would just prefer to hear him talk about football and not the hospital he is financing in the Phillipines. I mean, he should save that kind of stuff for the countless opportunities for sit down interviews that he has/will have due to his already overwhelming popularity.

Drew Brees is a devout Christian, but doesn't feel the need to rub it in your face at inappropriate times. Football is better without involving religion in it. If we as fans care about the religious side of the players, we have every opportunity to follow them and their path more closely as it relates to their personal lives.

There is a time and a place for everything and football is neither the time or place for religion.