N/S: John Fox's Tebow Gaffe

If he's truly thankful to God for his success then he should say it. No reason to censor himself. This is America.

To those who believe in God, he's not reserved for just "appropriate times." Nothing wrong with that. People need to get over it. It's a dumb reason to hate someone.

I agree. He has a message and an opportunity to spread it, and that's his perogative.

It's his fans that grind on my nerves. The people who really, truly believe Jesus Christ is reaching down and helping Tebow win. People who think he should be above criticism because he's a devout Christian. It's just so over-the-top it's annoying.

I have no problem with someone thanking Jesus for a football win. I think their logic is seriously flawed (see war, genocide, starvation, disease), but whatever. Just don't hit me in the face with it every time I say something bad about him. "I'm a Tebow fan because he's such a good person." Please. You don't know that. He talks about god a lot...that doesn't make him super-wonderful-man. And I'll take a good football player over a "good person" any day.

Just so happens that right now Tebow is a good quarterback, and a ridiculously unconventional one, and I'm rooting for him. But if one day he gets destroyed by a good team, his faith isn't going to stop me from talking about it.
