NFL Playbook - What's Theisman's Problem???

NFL Playbook came out tonight.

Baldy, Sterling and Millen all pick the Saints.

As usual Theisman picks the Giants. I remember he also picked the Colts against the Saints ??? HAHA we all know how that turned out.

What's Theisman's problem? What does he have against the Saints?

If he hates any team he should hate the Giants. That's who broke his leg in 2 pieces on MNF back in the day.

NFL Videos: Playbook: Giants vs. Saints

:angryrazz: :hihi: :smilielol:
Well, there are three schools of thought as to "what his problem is"

1) Stockholm Syndrome. The giants ended his career, therefore they must be the biggest, baddest dudes on the block.

2) Theisman saw how we abused poor Brent, and Kurt a couple years ago, and it reminds him of the abuse that LT dished out to him.

3) he's an idiot.