NFL Playbook - What's Theisman's Problem???
I'm sure most people noticed that shows like NFL Network, ESPN, HBO, CBS/Fox pre game shows, etc. always want a contrarion to argue the devils advocate point of view. I see it all the time. I'd say atleast 70% of the time the person argueing their side doesn't even feel strongly in that way but they do it spice up the show. It has to be completly obvious for both people to agree and it dumbs down the shows. I've gotten so used to seeing it that I don't even watch the shows and stick to just watching the games. I've found I learn almost nothing listening to the talking heads and they never persuade my opinion so I don't even bother caring what they think. If they were to bet their careers as anylists it would be worth watching and they would do a more thorough job but most of them just mail it in and give you the most obvious observations I could get from some casual fan at a bar.