the VG board football thread

Oh please. Let's not feign ignorance to make a point here, widge.

You know damn well what those tiger baiters are doing when they wear their lsu regalia to a saints game. If you don't, then you're a sucker who doesn't know much. But I don't believe that. There's no way someone of average intelligence (which you surpass, purportedly) who lives in this area doesn't know exactly what the tiger baiter is up to.

Everyone at the saints games wears black and gold these days. It wasn't always like that. But it is now. There is social pressure to do so. It's part of the process. If you're at the game, it's reasonable to assume you wish to be part of the experience, and part of the experience is wearing saints garb.

Wearing an lsu hat isn't a random, nonchalant act. It's an act with purpose. And the purpose is to declare a specific loyalty. While the wearer may be a Saints fan, he is making a clear distinction that he is more tiger fan than Saints fan.

He's purposely going against the flow, and he's doing it to make a point. These are the same people who would say "at least we have lsu" and start tiger baiting chants during Saints games in the Ditka years.

The robot is right on point here. He knows what's going on. His robot instincts serve him well.

If I had more time, I'd have seriously pwnt this. But I'm busy so you only get half hearted mongoosian ramblings. Sorry.

You have to remember that Monday Night games often times have a different group that doesn't know the protocols. I mean, I know when I was a kid most people did not wear black and gold to games and nobody wore a jersey. Wearing team colors and jerseys is a fairly recent phenomenon. Heck even when I went to LSU games as a kid, most people weren't wearing purple.

But, in the end, I just don't care what other people choose to wear to a game. Are most of the people who show up to a Saints' game in LSU probably idiots? Sure, they are, but I really just don't care if they choose to wear it or not. And, some of them, like Sean Payton, may have been wearing it to show support for a team that just finished 12-0 after playing a really tough schedule.

But, again, in the end, I just don't really care what other people wear to a game. Now, the guys chanting "LSU" or " At least we have LSU" are a different story.