Tony Blair Turns Appeaser?

Blair urges White House to shift focus to Israel-Palestine conflict

· Palestinian peace process 'central to Iraq solution'
· Syria and Iran also have a role to play, says PM

Patrick Wintour and Richard Norton-Taylor
Tuesday November 14, 2006
The Guardian

Tony Blair made an open plea yesterday to George Bush to recognise that a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies at the core of any hopes for wider peace in the Middle East, including Iraq.
In his annual foreign policy speech, seen as a chance to recalibrate Britain's Iraq strategy, Mr Blair said a solution to the conflict was central to a strategy that "pins back the forces trying to create mayhem inside Iraq".,,1947191,00.html

The sad thing about this is that Blair was told, and as an intelligent man must have known, that the key to the Middle East was always the Arab-Israeli conflict and that entering Iraq would do nothing but further destabilize the region.

He should have been advising this three years ago, but now I guess he's a little more worried about his historical legacy so he has to appear more "Satesman-like."