NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

Ex-NFL players sue league over brain injuries - CBS News

I get it but i don't get it... Now i understand why league is hurting the game by calling these nonsense pernalties.. They're simply trying to protect themselves..

Here's my problem with this and why I didn't see this coming.. What did these players think was going to happen ramming their heads and the rest of their body into other people and the ground at full speed????

I cannot for the life of me understand the law... Isn't it a reasonable epectation that if I do dirt diving from 20 feet that there will probably be some long term negitive effect on my body and how can an employer be held responsible??? You could have chosen to NOT play... go get a regular job that there are less health risks.

What you're attempting here is the same as what most normal thinking people would do, and that's apply common sense. Unfortunately, the problem is that common sense has absolutely no place in America where the law is concerned. That's because here in America you can spill hot coffee in your lap and successfully sue the restaurant. You can set the cruise control in your RV, get up and walk to the back to make a sandwich, wreck the thing, and successfully sue the manufacturer because they DIDN'T say that you can't do that.

The old saying is that the stupid will be punished, however anymore it's the dumb that usually prevails. If this lawsuit goes through and these players win, then we may be looking at professional flag football.

Just an opinion.