NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now
I have a huge problem with this. Football is an inherently dangerous sport. Everyone knows this, and these players knew it when they suited up back in high school.
They made a career of it in spite of the risks, and they got paid millions BECAUSE of the risks.
A lot of these former players made bad business decisions with their money in their lives after football. What better way to get a second bite at the million dollar apple than to file suit over the risks of the game they willingly took live a certain lifestyle.
Sorry for the rant, this just chaps me big time. For every NFL player, there are a hundred joe shmo's watching and wishing they could be in that position making that kind of money to play a game. I bet these same guys like to brag to people how much tougher it was back when they were playing given the ticky tack rules and penalties this bs has created.