NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

That's not what I meant.

The medical community didn't know everything it knows today, but there was some information coming to light.

The players allege that the NFL knew some things and didn't properly act on them. If that's not true...

Also they are saying in part, that although there was certainly a "legal" right in their contracts to get second opinions, sit down because they didn't know which team they were on or what their name was, etc...that they were, nonetheless coerced to play through injuries. (I don't know about THIS suit, but that's a contention in most of them)

At the very least, even if the NFL knew nothing and the players knew what they were getting into, the NFL should be taking better care of its players after they retire. Healthcare coverage should be complete and unlimited. The NFL is without a doubt rich enough to do so, and it wouldn't have been without those players.

Man... Guys in jail were "coerced" into doing crimes by their friends, gangs and other associates... That didn't make it right... These players made decisions to play in fear of losing there multi million dollar job.. If they were actually coerced, it's still a matter of them taking responsibility for themselves and go get a regular job...

The most important point that many people on this board lose sight of is THESE GUYS DON'T HAVE TO PLAY FOOTBALL... It's not there god given right!!! They can go get another job if they fealt the job was too dangerous...

They chose to play and put themselves at risk...

I understand the culture of pro football.. The pressure to play is huge but it's still your individual responsibility not to jump off the bridge just because your friends do (like my mom use to say)

I do agree that the health care should be MUCH better...

People in normal businesses are coerced into doing illegal things all the time because of huge pressure from others in the business to cover stuff up, turn a blind eye or ignore things but they still go to jail... Peer pressure is not an excuse for making bad decisions.. (not trying to imply playing football is like crime, just making a point.)

This debat is silly... You knowingly put yourself in harms way... PERIOD!!! Now you're trying to grab some more cash... Just because more info is coming out that it's more dangerous then you realize doesn't make it someone else's fault..