NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now
Just read through this entire thread. Just a few things.
1. I believe the main factor here is whether the NFL knew about the long-term effects of concussions and ignored them or not. I believe everyone knew short-term effects but not sure if back in the 80's and early 90's the long-term effects were known. This I believe is the key issue.
2. I do believe that certain risks are associated with playing in the NFL. If the full risks and benefits of a situation be it a job, an action such as driving or even a surgery are known and that task is undertaken, the outcome is what it is.
3. Toradol in no way is a narcotic. It does not alter your consciousness. It is basically an IV form of ibuprofen. It carries a risk to your kidneys, so it is not given to people with kidney problems. It is also not given for an extended period of time. Giving the football players toradol in no way tricked them. If one is to make this argument, he should suggest that no pain medicine be given at all on the field.
4. There is very little evidence to suggest that ALS is caused by trauma. There is some evidence to suggest that they may be linked. However, the literature that everyone is pulling from is a 12 person study, TWELVE people. Most had a certain protein (TDP-43) that is associated with the disease. 3 developed the disease or a disease similar. This disease is so rare that it will be a long time before great headway is made, and trying to tease out cause/effect is near impossible be sample size is so limited. I feel for Steve Gleason (he is on my computer and phone wallpaper) but I would be extremely pressed to suggest that his disease is caused by his NFL career.