NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

Guys this is America. You sue any body, for any thing, any time. Whether you have a case or not is a different story.

These guys however do have a case. This isn't a money grab, this is an effort to draw attention to the fact that these teams have shady business practices when it comes to concussions. We all know about bad knees, etc. when players retire, but we are just learning more about concussions. Science is still discovering new things about concusions in their relation to the brain, it isn't as well studied as people like to think.

How this differs from football, to the welder, carpenter, or the construction worker is a matter of money, and that shouldn't matter when your talking about human rights. Why people don't think we should all have the same human rights is beyond me.

And can we stop with the silly "put a gun to _____head" nobody is putting a gun up to anyones head to make them do something so quit using that analogy.