NS.. ex-NFL players sue league... It's starting to make sense now

So these guys don't have a right to complain is what people are saying? So does that take the right to complain from welders, construction workers, truckers, commercial fisherman and every other labor job? They play football, and make money, but not every player is a millionaire, and just because they play football doesnt mean they aren't like us.

Researchers are coming out with new facts about the long lasting effects of concussions well after playing days are done, so why are people acting like the players knew what they are getting in to?

You and so many of others are completely missing the point.... Welders, constructions workers, truckers and ccommercial fisherman don't willing work in an environment where they are pounded into the ground while going full speed at another man.

People say the medical staff gave them pills and such but I would care to say that everyone one of these guys not only willing took them but asked for something that would help them play....

I had people around me my entire life that tried to influance me to do bad things like many others have. Just becaue YOU took the pills doesn't make it someone else's fault...

simply put, athletics are completely different then other jobs in this case. You take a job getting punched in the face over and over, I don't want to hear about your headaches...

If you accept a job as a mail clerk and some 300 pound employee take a running start at you and drives you into the floor, now we have something to talk about...

don't accept a job that in inharently dangerous and accept all that money and then complain when your knees are shot or your back hurts... what did you think would happen?? and I don't want to hear how they didn't expect that to happen. I didn't expect to get a ticket for speeding but I didn't get out of it when the cop pulled me over cuz I didn't think I would get a ticket... dumb analogy I know but I'm tired of all the excuses for bad decisions and YES, playing football is a bad decision if you really cared about your long term health...